Adnabyddir plant ag Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol trwy:

  • gymharu datblygiad y plentyn a’i cyfoedion wrth arsylwi.
  • defnyddio profion darllen/ mathemateg statudol neu brofion eraill.
  • canlyniadau asesu athrawon pan fydd pryder am unrhyw blentyn yn codi, cynhelir trafodaethau anffurfiol a ffurfiol gyda rhieni/ gofalwyr. Os bydd angen, bydd yr ysgol yn cyfeirio’r plentyn at arbenigywyr penodol, â chaniatad y rhieni/ gofalwyr. Gosodir y plentyn ar y gofrestr Anghenion Addysgiadol Ychwanegol am gyfnod o amser tra bod angen cymorth ychwanegol.Defnyddir gwasanaethau cymorth yr Awdurdod Addysg i gynghori athrawon ar strategaethau dysgu ac i ddatblygu Cynlluniau Addysg Unigol. Rhoddir y Wasanaeth Seicolegol Addysg gyngor anffurfiol neu asesiad ffurfiol yn ôl yr angen.
  • Os oes pryder gennych chi ynglyn â’ch plentyn, mae’n bwysig eich bod chi’n trafod hyn gyda’r athrawes ddosbarth a’r cydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol, Mrs Natalie Fairburn. Bydd yr ysgol yn rhoi cefnogaeth i chi wneud penderfyniad ar y ffordd orau ymlaen.

Rydym yn ysgol sydd yn cefnogi’n llwyr tuag at anghenion addysgol ychwanegol.


Children with Additional Learning Needs are identified by means of:

  • comparing children’s achievements and progress with their peers.
  • using suitable reading / mathematics tests supplied by the Authority or others.
  • statutory assessment results. When a concern about a child arises, formal and informal discussions are conducted with parents/ carers, regarding their children’s needs. If necessary the child will be referred to specific specialists, with the permission of parents/ carers. If necessary, the child will be placed on the Additional Learning Needs register for a while and extra support will be put in place.
  • The school uses the support services provided by the Education Authority for advice on teaching strategies and to develop Individual Educational Plans. Informal advice and formal assessments are also provided by the Educational Psychology Service.
  • If you have any concerns about your child, you are advised to speak to the class teacher and the Additional Learning Needs co-ordinator, Mrs Natalie Fairburn.
  • The school will be able to support and assist you to decide upon the best way forward.

The school is fully supportive and committed to pupils with SEN.

Syniadau adnoddau ADY

Gwasanaeth Cyfranogi CNPT/ NPT Inclusion Service Playlist

Trefniadau ADY / ALN Reform

Awareness-Raising-PowerPoint-reform-sept-19 (1)

Cyflwyniad Cod ADY

ALN Reform Frequently Asked Questions Cymraeg –

ALN Reform Parent Information Sheet

ALN Reform

ALN Reform introduction

ALN Reform Easy Read Guide Cymraeg – Easy Read Guide English –

ALN Reform Frequently Asked Questions English –

ALN Reform Parent Information Sheet

Gwefan Gwasanaethau Cynhwysiad / Inclusion Service website

Live website and can be accessed via the following link

It contains a range of information, as well as resources and links, which will be useful for both staff and parents/ carers.

Cymorth rhieni / Parent Support

Tonnau Coffee Morning-Training 061123 (1)

Tonnau Information Booklet NPT EPS

Signalong Parent Workshop

Pontardawe Flyer Drop ins social communication concerns 7.03.24 Welsh Pontardawe Flyer Drop ins social communication concerns 7.03.24